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Our World of Jewelry

EM-s-NYC-Summer-Haunts Elizabeth Moore

EM's NYC Summer Haunts

 We've been looking forward to this summer for quite some time. We love the season, of course. What's not to love about sun-kissed skin and saltwater waves in our hair?...

Elizabeth Moore now available at Sotheby's Home

Shop Small, Shop Chic

We're all about using our time spent at home shopping online if it means supporting small business, sustainable purchases and scoring chic finds.

New-Year-New-Decade-New-Us Elizabeth Moore

New Year, New Decade & New Us

Before we know it, another year will be here–– and even another decade is upon us. The last couple years have been full of reflection, reinvention and rejuvenation here at...

New-Sustainable-Luxury-Line Elizabeth Moore

New Sustainable Luxury Line

Fall provides us with an opportunity to reflect and think about the changing of the seasons. With endings, come new beginnings.